Monday, November 12, 2018

Book presentation Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe, ed. by Sandra Ponzanesi and Adriano José Habed

28 November, 2018 in Amsterdam

Sandra Ponzanesi and Adriano José Habed
Sudeep Dasgupta and Koen Leurs

Respondent: Susan Legêne Susane
This book offers an innovative take on the role of intellectuals in Europe through a postcolonial lens and, in doing so, questions the very definition of "public intellectual," on the one hand, and the meaning of such a thing as "Europe," on the other. It does so not only by offering portraits of charismatic figures such as Stuart Hall, Jacques Derrida, Antonio Gramsci, Frantz Fanon, and Hannah Arendt, among others, but also by exploring their lasting legacies and the many dialogues they have generated. The notion of the ‘classic’ intellectual is further challenged by bringing to the fore artists, writers, and activists, as well as social movements, networks, and new forms of mobilization and collective engagement that are part of the intellectual scene. Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018  
Click here for more information about this book.

Practical information
Place: Free University Amsterdam
Wednesday, 28 November, 2018
Time 15.30-17.00
Registration: Please register at