Paulo de Medeiros and Sandra Ponzanesi (eds.)
Postcolonial Theory and Crisis
De Gruyter, 2024 (OPEN ACCESS).
The volume aims at a conceptualisation of the relations between postcolonial theory and crisis, while also looking at the crisis of postcolonialism and the ways in which it can respond to contemporary issues. It seeks to understand, situate, and analyse postcolonial theory in the face of neo-liberalism, neo-imperialism, and neo-colonialism – the relation between ‘post’ and the increasing use of ‘neo’ is in itself part and parcel of the question.
The volume is organised in four sections, each containing four chapters. Even though all the chapters present a reflection on Postcolonial Theory and Crisis, some focus more specifically on aspects of the crisis in a global perspective such as humanitarian crisis and the role of mediatisation of conflicts, to issues related to human rights, refugees, migrancy, environmental crisis to questions of memory and postmemory as well as the critique of art and utopian thought. The questions posed are addressed at both a conceptual and theoretical level, alongside the analysis of specific case studies.
„The editors have succeeded admirably in bringing together essays that
speak to the construction and visibility of crises as well as to the limits and
possibilities of critique. This focus makes the book relevant, timely, and
Radha S. Hegde, New York University
„Given that it has become fashionable to malign postcolonialism these days,
usually on the fl imsiest of grounds, it is highly refreshing to engage with
a collection which bucks this trend and signals the enduring signifi cance
of postcolonial work not by resurrecting older models but by engendering
emergent opportunities for intellectual discovery that are as innovative
as they are illuminating, often (but not always) by thinking again with
canonical postcolonial materials: Fanon, Césaire, Hall, and others. For these
reasons, Postcolonial Theory and Crisis marks an important moment of
John McLeod, University of Leeds
Postcolonial Intellectuals and Their European Publics
This publication is the last output of the NWO funded Project Postcolonial Intellectuals and Their European Publics (PIN) which has seen the collaboration of many European partners over the years and conferences throughout Europe (2019-2023).
Keywords: Postcolonial theory, crisis, anthropocene, migration, art, race, media
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement V
Sandra Ponzanesi & Paulo de Medeiros
Postcolonial Theory & Crisis: Contemporary Interventions 1
Section 1: New Approaches to Postcolonial Studies and Crisis
Sandra Ponzanesi
Post-Humanitarianism and the Crisis of Empathy 21
Alessandra Di Maio
Coming of Age Across the Central Mediterranean Route: E.C. Osondu’s
When the Sky is Ready the Stars Will Appear 47
Charlotte Spear
Crisis and the Postcolonial State: Human Rights and Contemporary
Emergency 67
Jesse van Amelsvoort
The Postcolonial Anthropocene 83
Section 2: Postcolonial Studies and Ecological Crisis
Shaul Bassi
“None of that shit matters to the Swedes”: Venice, Bangladesh, and the
Postcolonial Anthropocene 105
Elena Brugioni
Violent Postcolonial Ecosystems. Environmental Crisis and Eco-Critique
in João Paulo Borges Coelho’s Literary Writing 123
Peter J. Maurits
Fuel Scavengers: Climate Colonialism in the South African Science Fiction
of Alex Latimer’s Space Race, Henrietta Rose-Innes’ Poison, and Neill
Blomkamp’s District 9 141
3: Postcolonial Studies and Critical Theory
Paulo de Medeiros
Crisis and Postimperial Remains: Belonging, Loss, Justice 159
Caitlin Vandertop
(Dis)inheriting Stevenson: Inheritance Crisis, Postcolonial Periodization,
and Literary Property in the Pacific 173
Gianmaria Colpani & Adriano José Habed
Critique without Guarantees: Thinking with Stuart Hall in a Time
of Crises 189
Section 4: Crisis Across Art, Memory, and Race
Max Silverman
Traumatic Memory and the Postcolonial: Disruptive Genealogy 209
Bolette B. Blaagaard
Postcolonial Critique in Practice: A Case Study of Citizen Media
Resistance to Mainstream Media Discourses on Race 225
Ana Cristina Mendes
“Crisis” and Planetary Entanglements: Ai Weiwei’s Pequi Tree and John
Akomfrah’s Vertigo Sea 239
Doing Digital Migration Studies: Theories and Practices of the Everyday
Koen Leurs and Sandra Ponzanesi (eds.)
Amsterdam University Press, 2024.
Open Access:
“It is impossible to study – hence intervene – against the injustices, inequalities, and cruelties experienced by international migrants today without negotiating a central paradox: digital technologies both empower (connectedness) and disempower (datafication), often simultaneously, international migrants in search of a liveable life. This superb book takes the centre stage in showing how activists – migrants, scholars, and citizens – are negotiating this paradox by investigating everyday practices with meticulous detail and theoretical astuteness.”
– Engin Isin, Queen Mary University of London
“Doing Digital Migration Studies is an important and insightful contribution that
sheds a much-needed light on the complex and ever-evolving relationship between migration and digital media.”
‒ Sara Marino, London College of Communication
“Incisive and exhaustive, this collection carves out new paths of inquiry in media
and migration studies while retelling the field’s rich and long histories. Scholars and practitioners working around the edges of critical data studies, the anthropology of aid, and the sociology of migration are particularly in for a special treat.”
‒ Jonathan Corpus Ong, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Open access via these links: individual contributions see also:
Table of contents:
Doing Digital Migration Studies: Introduction - Koen Leurs and Sandra Ponzanesi
Section I Creative practices
-Introduction to Section I: Creative Practices – Karina Horsti
-Chapter 1. Against and Beyond Mimeticism: A Cinematic Ethics of
Migration Journeys in Documentary Auto-Ethnography – Nadica Denić
-Chapter 2. Archival Participatory Filmmaking in Migration and Border Studies – Irene Gutiérrez Torres
-Chapter 3. Embodying Data, Shifting Perspective: A Conversation with Ahnjili Zhuparris on Future Wake – Rosa Wevers with Ahnjili Zhuparris
Section II Digital Diasporas and Placemaking
-Introduction to Section II: Digital Diasporas and Placemaking – Mihaela Nedelcu
-Chapter 4. Friendship, Connection and Loss: Everyday Digital Kinning and Digital Homing among Chinese Transnational Grandparents in Perth, Australia – Catriona Stevens, Loretta Baldassar and Raelene Wilding
-Chapter 5. An Exploration of African Digital Cosmopolitanism – Fungai Machirori
-Chapter 6. YouTube Became the Place Where “I Could Breathe” and Start “to Sell my Mouth”: Congolese Refugee YouTubers in Nairobi, Kenya – Marie Godin and Bahati Ghislain
Section III Affect and Belonging
-Introduction to Section III: Affect and Belonging – Athina Karatzogianni
-Chapter 7. Digital Communication, Transnational Relationships and the Making of Place Among Highly Skilled Migrants during the Covid-19 Pandemic – Elisabetta Costa
-Chapter 8. When Immovable Bodies Meet Unstoppable Media Circulation:
The Aporetic Body in Digital Migration Studies – Nishant Shah
-Chapter 9. Queer Digital Migration Research: Two Case Studies – Yener Bayramoğlu
Section IV Visuality and Digital Media
-Introduction to Section IV: Visuality and Digital Media – Giorgia Aiello
-Chapter 10. Migrant Agency and Platformed Belongings: The Case of TikTok –
Daniela Jaramillo-Dent, Amanda Alencar and Yan Asadchy
-Chapter 11. Affective Performances of Rooted Cosmopolitanism Through Facebook During the Festival International de Folklore et de Percussion in Louga, Senegal – Estrella Sendra
-Chapter 12. Situating the Body in Digital Migration Research: Embodied Methodologies for Analysing Virtual Reality Films on Displacement – Moé Suzuki
Section V Datafication, Infrastructuring and Securitization
-Introduction to Section V: Datafication, Infrastructuring and Securitization – Saskia Witteborn
-Chapter 13. The Weaponization of Datafied Sound: The Case of Voice
Biometrics in German Asylum Procedures – Daniel Leix Palumbo
-Chapter 14. McKinsey Consultants and Technocratic Fantasies: Crafting the Illusion of Orderly Migration Management in Greece – Luděk Stavinoha
-Chapter 15. Undocumented and Datafied: Anticipation, Borders and Everyday Life –
Kaarina Nikunen and Sanna Valtonen
Section VI Conclusions
Conclusions: On Doing Digital Migration Studies – Koen Leurs and Sandra Ponzanesi
Dutch Research Council (NWO) open access funding made it possible for us to make the book accessible.
Creating Europe from the Margins.
Mobilities and Racism in Postcolonial Europe
Edited By Kristín Loftsdóttir, Brigitte Hipfl, Sandra Ponzanesi
Routledge, August 2023
edited volume explores the idea of Europe through a focus on its
margins. The chapters in the volume inquire critically into the
relations and tensions inherent in divisions between the Global North
and the Global South as well as internal regional differentiation within
Europe itself. In doing so, the volume stresses the need to consider
Europe from critical interdisciplinary perspectives, highlighting
historical and contemporary issues of racism and colonialism.
recent discussions of migration into ‘Fortress Europe’ seem to assume
that Europe has clearly demarcated geographic, political and cultural
boundaries, this book argues that the reality is more complex. The book
explores margins conceptually and positions margins and centres as open
to negotiation and contestation and characterized by ambiguity.
such, margins can be contextualized in relation to hierarchies within
Europe, with different processes involved in creating boundaries and
borders between different kinds of Europes and Europeans. Deploying case
studies from different places, such as Iceland, Italy, Poland, Spain,
Turkey, the UK, Romania, Cyprus, Greece, Sicily, European colonies in
the Caribbean and the former Yugoslavia, the contributors analyse how
different geopolitical hierarchies intersect with racialized subject
positions of diverse people living in Europe, while also exploring
issues of gender, class, sexuality, religion and nationality. Some
draw attention to the fortification of Europe’s ‘borderland,’ while
others focus on internal hierarchies within Europe, critiquing the
meaning of spatial boundaries in an increasingly digitalized Europe. In
doing so, the chapters interrogate the hierarchies at play in the
processes of being and becoming ‘European’ and the ongoing impacts of
race and colonialism.
This timely and thought-provoking collection
will be of considerable significance to those in the humanities and
social sciences with an interest in Europe.
Creating Europe from the Margins
By Kristín Loftsdóttir, Brigitte Hipfl, Sandra Ponzanesi
chapter 2|16 pages
Articulating Europe from the Sephardic Margin
Restoring Citizenship for Expulsed Jews, and Not Muslims, in Spain?
By Maribel Casas-Cortés, Sebastian Cobarrubias Baglietto
chapter 3|18 pages
Racist and Imperial Genealogies in LGBT-free Zones and Struggles over Europe in Poland
By Paweł Lewicki
chapter 4|18 pages
‘From Nowhere to Nowhere’ – Mapping Trajectories of Belonging within the Post-Yugoslav Field
By Milica Trakilović
chapter 5|15 pages
A Crossroads of the World on the Margins of Europe
Migration and Sicilian Liminality
By Antonio Sorge
chapter 6|16 pages
Digital Media and Migration
Reflections from the Southern Margins of Europe
By Claudia Minchilli, Sandra Ponzanesi
chapter 7|17 pages
Gay Bod
Civic and LGBTQ+ Pride after Brexit in a City on the Margins of the UK and Europe
By Catherine Baker, Michael Howcroft
chapter 8|15 pages
Marginalized Bodies in Caribbean Europe
Between Vital Inequalities and Health (Im)mobilities
By Corinna Di Stefano, Fabio Santos, Manuela Boatcă
chapter 9|17 pages
Marketing Marginality
Creating Iceland as a White Privileged Destination
By Kristín Loftsdóttir
chapter 10|17 pages
Making Europe from Below
Intra EU-Migration and Mobilities Connecting the Margins
By Ignacio Fradejas-García, José Luis Molina, Miranda J. Lubbers
chapter 11|19 pages
When the Margins Enter the Centre
The Documentary Along the Borders of Turkey and Its YouTube Comments as Conflicting Constructions of Europeanity
By Nico Carpentier, Vaia Doudaki
Open access chapter, downloadable at:
chapter 12|16 pages
Beating the Border
Playing with Migrant Experiences and Borderveillant Spectatorship in Channel 4's Smuggled (2019)
By Lennart Soberon, Kevin Smets
Discount available: 20% Discount Available - enter the code EFL03 at checkout*
Postcolonial Publics:
Art and Citizen Media in Europe
Bolette B. Blaagaard, Sabrina Marchetti, Sandra Ponzanesi, Shaul Bassi
Ca' Foscari Edizioni/Venice University Press, 2023
available open access:
Postcolonial Publics: Art and Citizen Media in Europe presents a collection of sixteen chapters that explore the themes of how migrants, refugees and citizens express and share their political and social causes and experiences through art and media. These expressions, which we term ‘citizen media’, arguably become a platform for postcolonial intellectuals as the studies pursued in this volume investigate the different ways in which previously excluded social groups regain public voice. The volume strives to understand the different articulations of migrants’, refugees’, and citizens’ struggle against increasingly harsh European politics that allow them to achieve and empower political subjectivity in a mediated and creative space. In this way, the contributions in this volume present case studies of citizen media in the form of ‘activistic art’ or ‘artivism’ (Trandafoiu, Ruffini, Cazzato & Taronna, Koobak & Tali, Negrón-Muntaner), activism through different kinds of technological media (Chouliaraki and Al-Ghazzi, Jedlowski), such as documentaries and film (Denić), podcasts, music and soundscapes (Romeo and Fabbri, Western, Lazzari, Huggan), and activisms through writings from journalism to fiction (Longhi, Concilio, Festa, De Capitani). The volume argues that citizen media go hand in hand with postcolonial critique because of their shared focus on the deconstruction and decolonisation of Western logics and narratives. Moreover, both question the concept of citizen and of citizenship as they relate to the nation-state and explores the power of media as a tool for participation as well as an instrument of political strength. The book forwards postcolonial artivism and citizen media as a critical framework to understand the refugee and migrant situations in contemporary Europe.
Special Issue:
Screening Postcolonial Intellectuals:
Cinematic Engagements and Postcolonial Activists
Guest editors: Sandra Ponzanesi and Ana C. Mendes
Transnational Screens, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2022
This special issue proposes new ways of seeing and thinking about postcolonial intellectuals through the frame of transnational screens. For this purpose, the issue develops around the twofold notion of the intellectual as a filmmaker and the intellectual as an object of filmmaking. In particular, it focuses on the ways in which this interrelationship expands notions of postcolonial theory and practice regarding the aesthetic and political intervention of intellectuals in transnational screen culture. Many postcolonial figures have been influential not only in rethinking the ways in which representation should be conceived and theorized but also in inspiring new forms of visuality and aesthetics through their life and work. These figures include Frantz Fanon, Assia Djebar, and Stuart Hall, and others explored in this issue, such as Toni Morrison, Raoul Peck, Ai Weiwei, and Steve McQueen. The special issue also includes exclusive interviews with Ai Weiwei and Trinh T. Minh-ha, artists, intellectuals, activists, and filmmakers whose engagement with postcolonial debates, and more broadly with the politics and aesthetics of filmmaking, have contributed to a reshaping of contemporary postcolonial realities and discourses, in scholarship and the public sphere.
This special issue includes:
- Introduction: Screening postcolonial intellectuals: cinematic engegements and postcolonial activism
Sandra Ponzanesi and Ana Cristina Mendes. Available here. - 'The kaleidoscopic conditions' of John Akomfrah's Stuart Hall
James Harvey. Available here. - Portrait of the postcolonial intellectual as a wise old woman: Toni Morrison, word-work, and The Foreigner's Home
Liedeke Plate. Available here. - Documentary re-enactment in Raoul Peck's Exterminate All the Brutes: countering the work of the imperial camera shutter
Ana Cristina Mendes. Available here. - Theatres of memory; un-silencing the past - Steve McQueen's 'Small Axe' anthology
Florian Stadtler. Available here. - Interrogating the limits of humanitarian art: the uncomfortable invitations of Ai Weiwei
Eszter Zimanyi. Available here. - The world as a readymade: a conversation with Ai Weiwei
Ana Cristina Mendes & Ai Weiwei. Available here. - In the spiral time: conversation between Domi Oliveri and Trinh T. Minh-ha
Domitilla Olivieri & Trinh T. Minh-Ha. Available here.
Special Issue:
Digital Migration Practices and the Everyday
Guest editors: Sandra Ponzanesi and Koen Leurs
Communication, Culture & Critique, 15(2), 2022: 103-298.
This special issue explores the role that digital technology plays in the lives of migrants. It does so by paying close attention to governmental and supranational organizations as well as to subjective and affective dimensions of the everyday. Digital migration practices emerge as complex negotiations in the digital media sphere between infrastructural bias and agential opportunities, contesting racial practices as well as enabling digitally mediated bonds of solidarity and intimacy. The issue offers nuanced critical perspectives ranging from surveillance capitalism, extractive humanitarianism, datafication, and border regimes to choreographies of care and intimacy in transnational settings, among other aspects. Renowned international scholars reflect on these issues from different vantage points. The closing forum section provides state-of-the-art commentaries on digital diaspora, affect and belonging, voice and visibility in the digital media sphere, queer migrant interventions in non-academic settings, and datafication and media infrastructures in “deep time.”
Sandra Ponzanesi and Koen Leurs
Migration Practices and the Everyday (open access)
Paul Giroy - University College London, UK (open access) View article
Working with “Wogs”: Aliens, Denizens and the Machinations of Denialism
Nicholas De Genova - University of Houston, USA View article
Viral borders: Migration, Deceleration, and the Re-Bordering
of Mobility During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Saskia Witteborn - The Chinese University of Hong Kong View article
Digitalization, Digitization and Datafication: The "Three D" Transformation of Forced Migration Management.
Martina Tazzioli - Goldsmiths University of London, UK View article
Extractive Humanitarianism: Participatory Confinement and Unpaid Labour in Refugees Governmentality
Roopika Risam - Salem State University, USA View article
Border of Affect: Mobilizing Border Imagery as Civic Engagement
Christine Quinan– Melbourne University, Australia, and Mina Hunt, - Utrecht University, The Netherlands View article
Biometric Bordering and Automatic Gender Recognition: Challenging Binary Gender Norms in Everyday Biometric Technologies
Larissa Hjorth - RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia View article
Careful Digital Kinship: Understanding Multispecies Digital Kinship, Choreographies of Care and Older Adults During the Pandemic in Australia
Earvin Cabalquinto - Deakin University, Australia View article
“Come On, Put Viber, We Can Drink Coffee Together”: The Ageing Migrant’s (Im)mobile Intimacy in Turbulent Times"
Forum Section:
Laura Candidatu and Sandra Ponzanesi - Utrecht University, NL View article
Digital Diaspora: Staying with the Trouble
Myria Georgiou - London School of Economics, UK View article
Digital (In-)visibilities: Spatializing and Visualizing Politics of Voice
Lukasz Szulc - University of Sheffield, UK View article
A Lot of Straddling and Squirming. Taking Queer Migrant Stories Beyond the Academic Walls
Realene Wilding and Monika Winarnita - La Trobe University, Australia View article
Affect, Creativity and Migrant Belonging
Koen Leurs and Philip Seuferling - Utrecht University and Sodertorn University View article
Migration and the ‘deep time’ of media infrastructures
Special Issue:
Postcolonial Intellectual Engagements:
Critics, Artists and Activists
Guest editor: Sandra Ponzanesi
Postcolonial Studies, 24(4), 2021: 433-533.
aim of this special issue is to gauge the impact of postcolonial
intellectuals in contemporary Europe from a comparative and
multidisciplinary perspective. This is achieved by challenging the
divide between public and private, inclusion and exclusion, and citizens
and migrants, thereby creating counterpublics where sexual, ethnic,
religious and other minorities stake their claims and play out their
actions. For this purpose, the special issue will not review the
standard figures in the postcolonial debate but focus on the ways in
which intellectual labour is performed by critics as well as by artists,
activists and writers, in order to recognize the impact of
‘intellectual engagements’ in the public sphere in their less visible
and recognized manifestations as well.
- Sandra Ponzanesi, "Postcolo
nial intellectuals: new paradigms", pp. 433-446. Available open access here.
- Neelam Srivastava, "The intellectual as partisan: Sylvia Pankhurst and the Italian invasion of Ethiopia", pp. 448-463. Available open access here.
- Kaiama L. Glover, " 'The francophone world was set ablaze': Pan-African intellectuals, European interlocutors and the global Cold War", pp. 464-483. Available here.
- Ana Cristina Mendes and Julian Wacker, "The Louvre going APESHIT: the audiovisual re-curation and intellectual labour in The Carters' Afrosurrealist music video", pp. 484-497. Available here.
- Adriano José Habed, "The author, the text, and the (post)critic: notes on the encounter between postcritique and postcolonial criticism", pp. 498-513. Available open access here.
- Pinar Tuzcu, "Decoding the cybaltern: cybercolonialism and postcolonial intellectuals in the digital age", pp. 514-527. Available here.
- Rosi Braidotti, "Postface", pp. 528-533. Available here.
For more information, see here.
Special Issue:
Somali Diaspora and Digital Practices:
Gender, Media and Belonging
Guest editor: Sandra Ponzanesi
Journal of Global Diaspora and Media, 2(1), 2021: 1-97
The different contributions explore how digital co-presence, enabled by
new social media platforms and apps, allows people to establish
multi-sited forms of belonging that cut across national, ethnic and
‘clan’ boundaries and reshape the sense of diasporic belonging and
nostalgia for the troubled homeland that has undergone enormous
conflicts and strife. The close analysis of empirical findings across
different sites in Europe shows multi-sitedness, generation and urban
belonging as central features. The special issue is an output of the ERC
project CONNECTINGEUROPE: Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora and Belonging.
Sandra Ponzanesi, "Somali diaspora and digital belonging: Introduction", pp. 3-15. Available here.
Idil Osman, "Illuminating gendered and postcolonial contexts within Somali digital practice", pp. 17-21. Available here.
Donya Alinejad and Sandra Ponzanesi, "The multi-sitedness of Somali diasporic belonging: Comparative notes on Somali migrant women's digital practices", pp. 23-37. Available here.
Laura Candidatu, "Diasporic mothering and Somali diaspora formation in the Netherlands", pp. 39-55. Available here.
Melis Mevsimler, "Second-generation British-Somali women: The translocal nexus of London and global diaspora", pp. 57-72. Available here.
Claudia Minchilli, "Localizing diasporic digital media practices: Social stratification and community making among Somali women living in Rome", pp. 73-89. Available here.
Ilse van Liempt, "Response to Special Issue", pp. 91-97. Available here.
For more information, see here.
Special Issue:
Migration, Digital Media and Emotion
Guest editors: Donya Alinejad and Sandra Ponzanesi
International Journal of Cultural Studies, 23(5), 2020: 621-820
This collection brings
together key themes that integrate the scholarship on migration, digital
media, and emotion. Drawing from a variety of conceptual, theoretical,
and methodological traditions that cross-cut academic disciplines, the
articles in this issue explore the emotional facets of digitally
mediated migrant socialities in a variety of socio-cultural and
geographic locales. These examinationsraise important questions about
how digital media ubiquity shapes global migration experiences and
multicultural media publics at various scales.
How are relations of
intimacy and care at a distance articulated and experienced through
social media? What does it mean to imagine home as a digitally mediated
experience? In what unexpected ways are platforms reshaping migrant
subjectivities? In this introductory article we address these and other
questions, outlining how we believe the study of emotion can help us
think more comprehensively about the digital mediation of migrants’
social lives in the current media age.
Contributions include:
- Donya Alinejad, Sandra Ponzanesi. "Migrancy and digital mediatio ns of emotion." (pp. 621-638)
- Raelene Wilding, Loretta Baldassar, Shashini Gamage, Shane Worrell, Samiro Mohamud. "Digital media and the affective economies of transnational families." (pp. 639-655)
- Celine Meyers, Pragna Rugunanan. "Mobile-mediated mothering from a distance: A case study of Somali mothers in Port Elizabeth, South Africa." (pp. 656-673)
- Jolynna Sinanan, Catherine Gomes. " 'Everybody needs friends': Emotions, social networks and digital media in the friendships of international students." (pp. 674-691)
- Haili Li. "Transnational togetherness through Rela: Chinese queer women's practices for maintaining ties with the homeland." (pp. 692-708)
- Mine Gencel Bek, Patricia Prieto Blanco. "(Be)Longing through visual narrative: Mediation of (dis)affect and formation of politics through photographs and narratives of migration at DiasporaTürk." (pp. 709-727)
- Silvia Almenara-Niebla. "Making digital 'home-camps': Mediating emotions among the Sahrawi refugee diaspora." (pp. 728-744)
- Marloes Annette Geboers, Chad Thomas Van De Wiele. "Regimes of visibility and the affective affordances of Twitter." (pp. 745-765)
- Earvin Charles Cabalquinto, Guy Wood-Bradley. "Migrant platformed subjectivity: rethinking the mediation of transnational affective economies via digital connectivity services." (pp. 787-802)
- Beatrice Zani. "WeChat, we sell, we feel: Chinese women's emotional petit capitalism. (pp. 803-820)
For more information and access, see here.
Special Issue:
Migration and Mobility in a Digital Age:
(Re)Mapping Connectivity and Belonging
This special issue charts new directions in
digital media and migration studies from a gendered, postcolonial, and
multidisciplinary perspective. In particular, the focus is on the ways in which
the experience of displacement is resignified and transformed by new digital affordances
from different vantage points, engaging with recent developments in
datafication, visualization, biometric technologies, platformization,
securitization, and extended reality (XR) as part of a drastically changed
global mediascape. This issue explores the role of new media technologies in
rethinking the dynamics of migration and globalization by focusing in
particular on the role of migrant users as “connected” and active participants,
as well as “screened” and subject to biometric datafication, visualization, and
With contributions from:
Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe
Critics, Artists, Movements, and their Publics
This book offers an innovative take on the role of intellectuals in Europe through a postcolonial lens and, in doing so, questions the very definition of "public intellectual," on the one hand, and the meaning of such a thing as "Europe," on the other. It does so not only by offering portraits of charismatic figures such as Stuart Hall, Jacques Derrida, Antonio Gramsci, Frantz Fanon, and Hannah Arendt, among others, but also by exploring their lasting legacies and the many dialogues they have generated. The notion of the ‘classic’ intellectual is further challenged by bringing to the fore artists, writers, and activists, as well as social movements, networks, and new forms of mobilization and collective engagement that are part of the intellectual scene.
PART 1: Portraits of the Intellectual
Here postcolonial perspectives sequence into a heterogeneity of cultural and political practices that rework the archives of the West in another key, critically challenging the continuing colonial formation of thepresent.— Iain Chambers, Professor of Cultural and Postcolonial Studies at the Oriental University in Naples
Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe offers a refreshing new set of perspectives on the engagement of intellectuals in questions of colonial history and postcolonial politics in contemporary Europe. Far from acquiescing to the oft-repeated affirmation that the intellectual is dead, the volume displays the reinvention and reinvigoration of intellectual work in the twenty-first century at the same time as it lucidly articulates its ambiguities and tensions.
— Jane Hiddleston, Professor of Literatures in French, University of Oxford
Ponzanesi and Habed have given us that rare gift in trying times: a wide-ranging and broadly comparative examination of the significance of the work of postcolonial scholars and public thinkers in debates on the various problems that afflict Europe today. Providing us with signposts and fresh research agendas, Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe will prove to be one of the most innovative volumes on the question of postcolonial scholarship in a very long time.
— Ato Quayson, Professor of English, University of Toronto
This is a fascinating and timely book. Anticolonial Lebanese princes and West Indian revolutionary black Marxists, thinkers like Arendt and Derrida and contemporary social movements, artistic activists and writers like Rushdie stage engaging and often displacing dialogues across the pages of Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe. And the “postcolonial intellectual” becomes a prism that allows us to rethink at the same time both “Europe” and “the postcolonial.” Opening up new angles on a politics of liberation in these hard times.
— Sandro Mezzadra, Associate Professor of Political Theory, University of Bologna
More info here:
Special issue:
Connected Migrants: Cosmopolitanism and Encapsulation
Koen Leurs and Sandra Ponzanesi (guest editors)
Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture, Vol. 16 (1)
With a preface from Zygmunt Bauman
This special issue of Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture
features digital migration research as first presented during the
Connected Migrants Academy Colloquium and Masterclasses that took place
December 14–16, 2016, at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and
Sciences (KNAW) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Koen Leurs and Sandra Ponzanesi organised the colloquium and they are guest editors for the special issue on connected migrants.
Taking a cue from Dana Diminescu’s seminal manifesto on “the
connected migrant,” this special issue introduces the notions of
encapsulation and cosmopolitanism to understand digital migration
studies. The pieces here present a nonbinary, integrated notion of an
increasingly digitally mediated cosmopolitanism that accommodates
differences within but also recognizes Europe’s colonial legacy and the
fraught postcolonial present.
Of special interest is an essay by the late Zygmunt Bauman, who
argues that the messy boundaries of Europe require a renewed vision of
cosmopolitan Europe, based on dialogue and aspirations, rather than on
Eurocentrism and universal values. In the introductory article, we focus
on three overarching discussions informing this special issue: (a) an
appreciation of the so-called “refugee crisis” and the articulation of
conflicting Europeanisms, (b) an understanding of the relationships
between the concepts of cosmopolitanization and encapsulation, and (c) a
recognition of the emergence of the interdisciplinary field of digital
migration studies.
Of special interest is an essay by the late Zygmunt Bauman, who argues that the messy boundaries of Europe require a renewed vision of cosmopolitan Europe, based on dialogue and aspirations, rather than on Eurocentrism and universal values. In the introductory article, we focus on three overarching discussions informing this special issue: (a) an appreciation of the so-called “refugee crisis” and the articulation of conflicting Europeanisms, (b) an understanding of the relationships between the concepts of cosmopolitanization and encapsulation, and (c) a recognition of the emergence of the interdisciplinary field of digital migration studies.
The Internet and Formations of Iranian American-ness: Next Generation Diaspora ( 2017)
Revoltes in de Cultuurkritiek (2017)
Rosemarie Buikema
Amsterdam University Press
In Revoltes in de cultuurkritiek staat de relatie tussen kunst en politieke transitie centraal. Van Virginia Woolf en Louis Couperus, tot aan Marlene van Niekerk en William Kentridge hebben kunstenaars en intellectuelen zich de afgelopen anderhalve eeuw gebogen over de vraag: hoe moeten we omgaan met een erfenis van uitsluiting en onderdrukking? Aan de hand van concrete kunstwerken demonstreert Rosemarie Buikema welke antwoorden op deze vraag geformuleerd zijn. Zij laat zien hoe kunst iets nieuws in gang kan zetten en sociale en culturele verhoudingen duurzaam kan veranderen. Zo kan kunst fungeren als een effectieve vorm van cultuurkritiek. Steeds opnieuw blijkt dat vernieuwingen en omwentelingen in kunst en maatschappij de meeste kans van slagen hebben als zij zich niet als een radicale breuk met het verleden presenteren (revolutie), maar als een proces waarin de kennis over het verleden wordt onderzocht, aangevuld, gecorrigeerd en/of omgebogen (revolte). Rosemarie Buikema is hoogleraar kunst, cultuur en diversiteit aan de Universiteit Utrecht.
Buy your copy here.
Now also available in paperback: The Postcolonial Cultural Industry - Icons, Markets, Mythologies (2014)
Sandra Ponzanesi
Palgrave Macmillan
SBN 978-1-349-44488-5
The book The Postcolonial Cultural Industry - Icons, Markets, Mythologies (2014) is now also available in paperback. The Postcolonial Cultural Industry makes a timely intervention into the field of postcolonial studies by unpacking its relation to the cultural industry. It unearths the role of literary prizes, the adaptation industry and the marketing of ethnic bestsellers as new globalization strategies that connect postcolonial artworks to the market place.
Free preview and buy your paperback here.
Sandra Ponzanesi
Palgrave Macmillan
SBN 978-1-349-44488-5
The book The Postcolonial Cultural Industry - Icons, Markets, Mythologies (2014) is now also available in paperback. The Postcolonial Cultural Industry makes a timely intervention into the field of postcolonial studies by unpacking its relation to the cultural industry. It unearths the role of literary prizes, the adaptation industry and the marketing of ethnic bestsellers as new globalization strategies that connect postcolonial artworks to the market place.
Free preview and buy your paperback here.
Paperback issue available of 'Gender, Globalization and Violence'

ISBN: 9781138283046
Publication date: 31 October 2016
Special issue Transnational Cinemas: Postcolonial Cinemas in Europe. Migration, Identity and Spatiality in Film Genres
Edited by Sandra Ponzanesi & Gianmaria Colpani
More: here
‘The Point of Europe’
Special issue Interventions. International Journal of Postcolonial Studies
Sandra Ponzanesi (Guest Editor)
Volume 18 Issue 2
The point of Europe is a paradox that undermines the idea of Europe as a historical project based on singularity and exceptionalism while subscribing to the future of Europe as a location for hope and cosmopolitan solidarity. This special issue focuses, accordingly, on this double take by bringing together the complementary and synergizing expertise of postcolonial scholars who work across different disciplinary fields such as comparative literature, conflict studies, human rights, memory studies and international relations, as well as the arts, visual culture, music and cinema. The goal of this special issue is to assess current postcolonial transitions through an ability to acknowledge the workings of the past and to rethink Europe as a new possible cosmopolitan space, yet rooted in its distinctive genealogy.
- Sandra Ponzanesi, The Point of Europe: Postcolonial Entanglements
- Étienne Balibar, Europe at the Limits
- Bruce Robbins, Prolegomena to a Cosmopolitanism in Deep Time
- Gurminder K. Bhambra, Whither Europe? Postcolonial versus Neocolonial Cosmopolitanism
- Paulo de Medeiros, Post-imperial Nostalgia and Miguel Gomes’ Tabu
- Sandra Ponzanesi, On the Waterfront. Truth and Fiction in Postcolonial Cinema from the South of Europe
- Kristín Loftsdóttir, International Development and the Globally Concerned European Subject
- The Revolt of the Object
- Rosemarie Buikema, Animated Drawings and the Colonial Archive: William Kentridge's Black Box Theatre
- Birgit Kaiser & Kathrin Thiele, Other Headings. Ben Jelloun, Derrida, Sansal and the Critique of Europe
More: here
Special issue
Edited by Koen Leurs & Sandra Ponzanesi
Volume 5 Number 1
Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
''On digital crossings in Europe''Sandra Ponzanesi and Koen Leurs 3–22
''Traces of dispersion: Online media and diasporic identities''
Dana Diminescu and Benjamin Loveluck 23–39
''No apologies for cross‑posting: European trans-media space and the digital circuitries of racism''
Gavan Titley 41–55
''The migration industry of connectivity services: A critical discourse approach to the Spanish case in a European perspective''
Cecilia Gordano Peile 57–71
''Forced migrants, emotive practice and digital heterotopia''
Saskia Witteborn 73–85
''The politics of transnational affective capital: Digital connectivity among young Somalis stranded in Ethiopia''
Koen Leurs 87–104
''Young African Norwegian women and diaspora: Negotiating identity and community through digital social networks''
Henry Mainsah 105–119
''Privileged Mexican migrants in Europe: Distinctions and cosmopolitanism on social networking sites''
Lorena Nessi and Olga Guedes Bailey 121–137
''Ethnicity in digital crossroads. Understanding processes of cultural thickening in a mediatized world''
Cigdem Bozdag 139–152
''Modes of self-representation: Visualized identities of former Yugoslav migrant women in the Netherlands''
Jasmijn Van Gorp 153–171
''Diasporas and new media: Connections, identities, politics and affect''
Eugenia Siapera 173–178
''Diasporas in the New Media Age: Identity, Politics and Community'', A. Alonso and A. Oiarzabal (eds) (2010)
''Digital Diasporas: Identity and Transnational Engagement'', J. Brinkerhoff (2009)
''Migration and New Media: Transnational Families and Polymedia'', M. Madianou and D. Miller (2012)
''Diaspora Online: Identity Politics and Romanian Migrants'', R. Trandafoiu (2013)
Book Review
''Media and the City: Cosmopolitanism and Difference'', Myria Georgiou (2013)
Eunike Piwoni 179–181
More: here
Postcolonial Conflict Zones
Edited by Sandra Ponzanesi
New York, Routledge, 2014
The Postcolonial Culture Industry
Icons, Markets, Mythologies
Sandra Ponzanesi
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
The Postcolonial Cultural Industry makes a much needed intervention into the field of postcolonial studies by unpacking its relation to the cultural industry. It analyses cultural productions not as aesthetic objects, or as pure disposable commodities, but as 'practices' that engage the local and the global in specific ways. Starting from Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer's critical notion of the cultural industry, the book moves toward a more contemporary understanding of the cultural industry as a site of co-production, co-shaping and conflict between producers and consumers, marketing experts, readers and audiences, in order to arrive at a more dynamic and paradoxical take on the cultural industry as a cultural field, imbibed concomitantly by economic, political and aesthetic motifs. It explores how institutions such as literary prizes have influenced the level of production, consumption and distribution of postcolonial texts, how the adaptation industry has contributed to the economy of prestige and how ethnic feminist bestsellers convey new issues around postfeminism and the rearticulation of race, ethnicity, class and neo-liberal capitalism in local and transnational contexts.
Transnational and Cross-Cultural Exchanges in (Post)Colonial Education
Edited by Barnita Bagchi, Eckhardt Fuchs and Kate Rousmaniere
Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, 2014
Two excerpts from the book can be read at the Berghahn Books blog: first, excerpts from the Introduction by Barnita Bagchi, Eckhardt Fuchs, and Kate Rousmaniere
and second, excerpts from Mary Hilton’s chapter “A Transcultural Transaction: William Carey’s Baptist Mission, the Monitorial Method and the Bengali Renaissance,” which gives readers insight into the education system shared between Britain and Bengal in the early 19th century:
Edited by Sandra Ponzanesi and Bolette Blaagaard
London/New York, Routledge, 2012 (Paperback, 2013)
This book engages with the question of what makes Europe postcolonial and how memory, whiteness and religion figure in representations and manifestations of European ‘identity’ and self-perception. To deconstruct Europe is necessary as its definition is now contested more than ever, both internally (through the proliferation of ethnic, religious, regional differences) and externally (Europe expanding its boundaries but closing its borders).
This edited volume explores a number of theoretical discussions on the meaning of Europe and proposes analyzing some of the deeds committed, both today and in the past, in the name of Europe by foregrounding a postcolonial approach. To deconstruct Europe as a postcolonial place does not imply that Europe’s imperial past is over, but on the contrary that Europe’s idea of self, and of its polity, is still struggling with the continuing hold of colonialist and imperialist attitudes. The objective of this volume is to account for historical legacies which have been denied, forgotten or silenced, such as the histories of minor and peripheral colonialisms (Nordic colonialisms or Austrian, Spanish and Italian colonialism) and to account for the realities of geographical margins within Europe, such as the Mediterranean and the Eastern border while tracing alternative models for solidarity and conviviality. The chapters deal with social and political formations as well as cultural and artistic practices drawing from different disciplinary backgrounds and methodological traditions. As such it creates an innovative space for comparative and cross-disciplinary exchanges.
Introduction: In the Name of Europe Sandra Ponzanesi and Bolette Blaagaard
Part I: Outbound: Geographical Margins, Historical Cores 1. Negotiating White Icelandic Identity: Multicultural and Colonial Identity Formations Kristín Loftsdóttir 2. Asylum seekers as Austria’s Other: The re-emergence of Austria’s colonial past in a state-of-exception Brigitte Hipfl and Daniela Gronold 3. Spelling out exclusion in Southern Italy Claudia Buonaiuto and Marie-Hélène Laforest 4. Whose freedom? Whose memories?: Commemorating Danish colonialism in St Croix Bolette B. Blaagaard
Part II: Deconstructing Europe: Conviviality and Invisibility 5. Europe in Motion: Migrant cinema and the politics of encounter Sandra Ponzanesi 6. Multiculturalism in a Selection of English and Spanish Fiction and Artworks L. López-Ropero and A. Moreno-Álvarez 7. Adrift on the Black Mediterranean Diaspora: African Migrant Writing in Spain Esther Sanchez-Pardo 8. "Rented spaces": Italian postcolonial literature Manuela Coppola 9. "Dubbing di Diaspora": Gender and Reggae Music inna Babylon Sonia Sabelli Coda: Workings of whiteness: Interview with Vron Ware Conducted by Bolette B. Blaagaard.
Sandra Ponzanesi is Associate Professor of Gender and Postcolonial Critique in the Department of Media and Culture Studies/Gender Programme at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Among her publications are Paradoxes of Postcolonial Culture (2004), Migrant Cartographies (2005) and Postcolonial Cinema Studies (2011).
Bolette B. Blaagaard is Research fellow at the Centre for Law, Justice and Journalism at City University London, UK. She has published articles and contributed to edited volumes on issues of Nordic colonialism and whiteness in the Nordic region as well as the ethics of journalistic practices, objectivity and freedom of speech.
More: here

This volume brings together articles on utopia and dystopia in a breadth of disciplines-history, literature, gender studies, political science, sociology, anthropology, and Native American Studies.
Utopia and dystopia are modes and resonances present in all parts of the world, not just Europe and white North America. Equally, utopian and dystopian thought and practice are and have always been gendered. Utopia, memory and temporality often intersect in strange and surprising ways.
Three dimensions are thus central to the enterprise undertaken in this volume:
1 The relationship between utopia/dystopia and time/memory
2 The focus on Europe and areas outside Europe at the same time
3 The gendered analysis of utopia/dystopia
Contributors to this volume include prominent experts in fields as varied as Development Studies, Cultural Studies, Women's Studies and Literature.
Utopia: Future and/or Alterity?Miguel Abensour
Echo of an Impossible Return: An Essay Concerning Fredric Jameson's Utopian Thought and Gathering and Hunting Social RelationsPeter Kulchyski
Radicalism in Early Modern England: Innovation or Reformation?Rachel Foxley
Dystopia, Utopia, and Akhtaruzzaman Elias's Novel KhowabnamSubhoranjan Dasgupta
Palestine: Land of UtopiasSonia Dayan-Herzbrun
'One Darling though Terrific Theme': Anna Wheeler and the Rights of WomenTheresa Moriarty
A Parliament of Women: Dystopia in Nineteenth-century Bengali ImaginationSamita Sen
'Empire Builder': A Utopian Alternative to Citizenship for Early 20th Century British 'Ladies'Martine Spensky
Ladylands and Sacrificial Holes: Utopias and Dystopias in Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain's WritingsBarnita Bagchi
Utopia in the Subjunctive Mood: Bessie Head's <i>When Rain Clouds GatherModhumita Roy
Globalization, Development and Resistance of Utopian Dreams to the Praxis of Dystopian UtopiaClaire Caloz-Tschopp
More: here
Guest editors
Emanuelle Santos and Patricia Schor
Issue 4, 2012
This thematic issue of P: Portuguese Cultural Studies focuses on the interactions between critiques of colonialism and coloniality, and Brazilian studies. We have aimed at producing analyzes of Brazilian culture and society that address power imbalances and ideologies related to colonial expansion at current times of neo-liberal globalization. Our call for papers sought to elicit theoretical perspectives across disciplines well suited for an evaluation of Brazilian contemporaneity dedicated to its (re)thinking through fruitful (dis)encounters between Postcolonial theory and other critical traditions, namely from the South. We received excellent essays and have collected the most enticing in this issue.
Table of Contents:
Editorial NoteIntroductionPatricia Schor''Brazil Is Not Travelling Enough: On Postcolonial Theory and Analogous Counter-Currents''Interview with Ella Shohat and Robert Stam''Feminismo e Tradução Cultural: Sobre a Colonialidade do Género e a Descolonização do Saber''Claudia de Lima Costa''O Turista Aprendiz e o Outro: a(s) Identidade(s) Brasileira(s) em Trânsito''Kamila Krakowska''Brazilian Postcolonialism and Emerging South-South Relations: A View from Anthropology''Letícia Maria Costa da Nóbrega Cesarino''Sobre o Olhar do Narrador e seus Efeitos em Os Sertões e Cidade de Deus''Carolina Correia dos Santos''Not the Boy Next Door: An Essay on Exclusion and Brazilian Foreign Policy''Diego Santos Vieira de Jesus
Open access website: here
Colonial Pasts, Differential Futures
Edited by Lorna Burns and Birgit M. Kaiser
New York, Palgrave Macmillan 2012
Forget Deleuze; B.B.JanzThe Bachelor-Machine and The Postcolonial Writer; G.LambertThe World With(out) Others, or How to Unlearn the Desire for the Other; K.ThieleEdward Said Between Singular and Specific; D.HuddartDeleuze, Hallward, and the Transcendental Analytic of Relation; N.NesbittPART II: THE SINGULARITY OF POSTCOLONIAL LITERATURES
The Singularities of Postcolonial Literature: Preindividual (hi)stories in Mohammed Dib's 'Northern Trilogy'; B.M.Kaiser Postcolonialism Beyond the Colonized and the Colonizer: Caribbean Writing as Postcolonial 'Health'; L.BurnsBecoming-animal, Becoming-political in Rachid Boudjedra's L'Escargot Entêté; R.Bensmaia, translated by P.KrusRevolutionizing Pleasure in Writing: Subversive Desire and Micropolitical Affects in Nalo Hopkinson's The Salt Roads; M.MarinkovaUndercurrents and the Desert(ed): Negarestani, Tournier and Deleuze Map the Polytics of a 'New Earth'; R.Dolphijn
More: here
Edited by Sandra Ponzanesi and Marguerite Waller
London/New York, Routledge, 2011
Postcolonial Europe
Special issue
Edited by Graham Huggan
Journal Moving World. A Journal of Transnational Writing, Issue 11.2, 2011.
The issue is an output of the AHRC funded research network ‘Postcolonial Europe’
The papers included in the issue were presented at the Leeds workshop ‘Europe and the Rest. A Dialogue between Etienne Balibar and Zygmunt Bauman’ (May, 2009) and Utrecht conference on the ‘Idea of Europe. Occidentalism, Orientalism, and the idea of a Postcolonial Europe’ (October, 2009).Volume 11 Issue 2 2011