Tuesday, September 5, 2023


Creating Europe from the Margins.
Mobilities and Racism in Postcolonial Europe


Edited By Kristín Loftsdóttir, Brigitte Hipfl, Sandra Ponzanesi
Routledge, August 2023




This edited volume explores the idea of Europe through a focus on its margins. The chapters in the volume inquire critically into the relations and tensions inherent in divisions between the Global North and the Global South as well as internal regional differentiation within Europe itself. In doing so, the volume stresses the need to consider Europe from critical interdisciplinary perspectives, highlighting historical and contemporary issues of racism and colonialism.
While recent discussions of migration into ‘Fortress Europe’ seem to assume that Europe has clearly demarcated geographic, political and cultural boundaries, this book argues that the reality is more complex. The book explores margins conceptually and positions margins and centres as open to negotiation and contestation and characterized by ambiguity. 
As such, margins can be contextualized in relation to hierarchies within Europe, with different processes involved in creating boundaries and borders between different kinds of Europes and Europeans. Deploying case studies from different places, such as Iceland, Italy, Poland, Spain, Turkey, the UK, Romania, Cyprus, Greece, Sicily, European colonies in the Caribbean and the former Yugoslavia, the contributors analyse how different geopolitical hierarchies intersect with racialized subject 
positions of diverse people living in Europe, while also exploring 
issues of gender, class, sexuality, religion and nationality. Some 
chapters draw attention to the fortification of Europe’s ‘borderland,’ while others focus on internal hierarchies within Europe, critiquing the meaning of spatial boundaries in an increasingly digitalized Europe. In doing so, the chapters interrogate the hierarchies at play in the processes of being and becoming ‘European’ and the ongoing impacts of race and colonialism.
This timely and thought-provoking collection will be of considerable significance to those in the humanities and social sciences with an interest in Europe.


Creating Europe from the Margins
By Kristín Loftsdóttir, Brigitte Hipfl, Sandra Ponzanesi
chapter 2|16 pages

Articulating Europe from the Sephardic Margin
Restoring Citizenship for Expulsed Jews, and Not Muslims, in Spain?
By Maribel Casas-Cortés, Sebastian Cobarrubias Baglietto
chapter 3|18 pages

Racist and Imperial Genealogies in LGBT-free Zones and Struggles over Europe in Poland
By Paweł Lewicki

chapter 4|18 pages
‘From Nowhere to Nowhere’ – Mapping Trajectories of Belonging within the Post-Yugoslav Field
By Milica Trakilović

chapter 5|15 pages
A Crossroads of the World on the Margins of Europe
Migration and Sicilian Liminality
By Antonio Sorge

chapter 6|16 pages
Digital Media and Migration
Reflections from the Southern Margins of Europe
By Claudia Minchilli, Sandra Ponzanesi

chapter 7|17 pages
Gay Bod
Civic and LGBTQ+ Pride after Brexit in a City on the Margins of the UK and Europe
By Catherine Baker, Michael Howcroft

chapter 8|15 pages
Marginalized Bodies in Caribbean Europe
Between Vital Inequalities and Health (Im)mobilities
By Corinna Di Stefano, Fabio Santos, Manuela Boatcă

chapter 9|17 pages
Marketing Marginality
Creating Iceland as a White Privileged Destination
By Kristín Loftsdóttir

chapter 10|17 pages
Making Europe from Below
Intra EU-Migration and Mobilities Connecting the Margins
By Ignacio Fradejas-García, José Luis Molina, Miranda J. Lubbers

chapter 11|19 pages
When the Margins Enter the Centre
The Documentary Along the Borders of Turkey and Its YouTube Comments as Conflicting Constructions of Europeanity
By Nico Carpentier, Vaia Doudaki
Open access chapter, downloadable at:

chapter 12|16 pages
Beating the Border
Playing with Migrant Experiences and Borderveillant Spectatorship in Channel 4's Smuggled (2019)
By Lennart Soberon, Kevin Smets

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