Tuesday, December 1, 2015

International Symposium
The role of (Post)colonial Public Intellectuals in Europe:
 Figures, Ideas and Connections

Utrecht University, 28-29 January 2016

Sandra Ponzanesi, Umr Ryad, Remco Raben, 
and Bert van den Brink

Keynote Speaker:
 Prof. Engin Isin
 Professor of Citizenship, 
Politics and International Studies (Open University, UK)

Speakers: Elisabeth Buettner; Rosemarie Buikema; Quinsy Gario; Odile Heynders, Nancy Jouwe; Birgit Kaiser; Jamila Mascat; Sandro Mezzadra; Sandra Ponzanesi; Remco Raben; Umar Ryad; Mehdi Sajid; Neelam Srivastava; Bert van den Brink; Arnoud Visser

This two-day symposium investigates the role and impact of ‘(post)colonial’ public intellectuals in Europe. What is an intellectual, and what is his/her role in the twentieth-first century? What is specific to ‘postcolonial’ intellectuals and how do they relate to past and present dynamics in Europe? Which are the figures, ideas, networks that they established across borders and time? The role of public intellectuals is particularly complex for (post)colonial intellectuals who juggle contending regimes of political representations, individual and collective, playing a crucial role among their community as well as in the host society.

For more information, see under Conferences.

The conference is sponsored by Utrecht University's strategic theme Institutions for Open Societies.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Postcolonial Film and Lectures series 2015-2016

The Postcolonial Studies Initiative is happy to announce its new film and lectures series. 
The series are organized annually and invites all interested in our European postcolonial present and the representation of its political, cultural and aesthetic realities and challenges. 

PCI Film Series 2015-2016 

The film series will take place every third Tuesday of the month, starting with September until April.

LocationDrift 21, room 032
Time: 19.15-21.30                                         

September 15

Those who feel the fire burning (Morgan Knibbe, NL, 2014)
Introduced by Christine Quinan
With the special presence of film director Morgan Knibbe for Q&A.
October 20
Fitzcarraldo (Werner Herzog, Germany, 1982)
Introduced by Kari Driscoll
November 17
Besouro (João Daniel Tikhomiroff, Brazil, 2009)
Introduced by Edward Akintola Hubbard
December 15
Timbuktu (Abderrahmane Sissako, France/Mauritania, 2014)
Introduced by Domitilla Olivieri
January 12
The missing picture (Rithy Panh, Cambodia, 2014)
Introduced by Sandra Ponzanesi
February 16
Aferim! (Radu Jude, Romania, 2015)
Introduced by Laura Candidatu
March 15
Drone (Tonje Hessen Schei, Norway, 2014)
Introduced by Doro Wiese
April 19
The Act of Killing (Joshua Oppenheimer, Indonesia, 2013) Introduced by Susanne Knittel

PCI Lecture Series, Fall 2015

October 9

Writing Transcultural Adoption
John McLeod (University of Leeds, UK)
October 13
Discursive Mangroves in the Contemporary Caribbean Imaginary
Odile Ferly (Clark University, USA)
November 17
Ghost Cities and Ruin Lust
Christoph Lindner (University of Amsterdam, NL)

For more information about the screenings and lectures, please check under Agenda: http://www.postcolonialstudies.nl/p/agenda_19.html

Monday, July 20, 2015

Putting Things to Rights: Postcolonial Legal Humanities

Putting Things to Rights: Postcolonial Legal Humanities
International Postgraduate / Early Career Conference organized by
Institute for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, University of Leeds
Postcolonial Humanities Forum
Department of English & Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick
27 and 28 November, 2015, University of Warwick
In a world more and more defined by postcolonial and postimperial globalized conflicts the harrowing questions of human rights have become extremely urgent and tangled. This jointly organized conference aims to bring together a number of senior scholars in the fields of postcolonial studies and legal studies with a group of early career and postgraduate colleagues to articulate common grounds for further research and analysis. The group of participants, between twenty-five and thirty, will convene for one and a half days at the University of Warwick.
This will be the first organized event of the Postcolonial Humanities Forum, an international research network (previously funded by AHRC and NWO) that brings together scholars from the Universities of Leeds and Warwick (UK), Munich (Germany), Utrecht (Netherlands), Roskilde (Denmark), Padua (Italy), Chicago and UCLA (USA) and ANU (Australia).
The specific aim of the PHF is to investigate those pressing societal issues that have been raised by the relatively recent emergence of three important ‘new humanities’ fields––Digital Humanities, Environmental Humanities and Legal Humanities––while its more general objective is to identify and develop methodological tools and concepts that might allow for a better understanding of new approaches to humanities research from a number of comparative perspectives that are both contemporary and historical, both local and global in scope. ‘New humanities’ fields are conspicuously transnational as well as trans-disciplinary, allowing for a better understanding of those rapid global transformations that exceed the jurisdictions of the traditional nation-state. The postcolonial paradigm will be called upon to tackle complex issues of interpenetration and co-dependency from the position of subalternity or minority, and to gauge in how far the humanities have been able to respond to these new challenges, which, for all their borderless character, continue to reproduce unequal relations between global North and South.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Masterclass with Professor Sandra Ponzanesi

Masterclass: ‘The Postcolonial Cultural Industry: Icons, Markets, Mythologies’.
On Friday June 5, 2015 the Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (OSL) and the Netherlands Research School of Gender Studies (Utrecht University) in cooperation with the Postcolonial Studies Initiative (PCI, Utrecht University) are organizing a masterclass with professor Sandra Ponzanesi around her publication ‘The Postcolonial Cultural Industry: Icons, Markets, Mythologies’ (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).
In this masterclass, PhD candidates and Research Master students are invited to connect their research project to the discussions in ‘The Postcolonial Cultural Industry’ relating to issues such as globalization (what is the role of postcolonial cultural industries in the age of globalization?), cultural value and the canon (how is cultural value attributed to postcolonial artworks and how are they used to create cosmopolitan distinction?) adaptations (what happens to the postcolonial in processes of adaptation?), or other angles which connect their work to Professor Ponzanesi’s book. Each paper will be briefly discussed by a designated respondent and faculty member with relevant expertise.
Prof. Dr. Sandra Ponzanesi will give a keynote lecture. 

Sandra Ponzanesi is Professor of Gender and Postcolonial Studies at the Department of Media and Culture Studies at Utrecht University, Head of Humanities at University College Utrecht, and the founder of the Postcolonial Studies Initiative at Utrecht University. Her interdisciplinary research interests include postcolonial studies, feminist theories, media studies, postcolonial cinema and Europe. She is the author of ‘Paradoxes of Post-colonial Culture’ (State University of New York Press 2004) and co-editor of multiple edited volumes, among which ‘Postcolonial Cinema Studies’ (Routledge, 2012), ‘Deconstructing Europe. Postcolonial Perspectives’ (Routledge, 2012). She has recently edited ‘Gender, Globalization and Violence: Postcolonial Conflict Zones’ (Routledge, 2014).

For infomation mail:  osl-fgw@uva.nl
Location masterclass: University of Amsterdam
Location: University Theatre, 1.01A
See here for the full Call for Papers.

Friday, March 13, 2015


Postcolonial Cinemas in Europe: Migration, Identity and Spatiality in Film Genres

When 18 March 2015-20 March 2015
Where NIAS, Wassenaar


Prof. Dr. Sandra Ponzanesi (Department of Media and Culture Studies/Graduate Gender Programme, Utrecht University)

Dr .Verena Berger (University of Vienna / NIAS fellow 2013/14 and currently UC3M Conex-Marie Curie Fellow 2015/18 University Carlos III Madrid/Spain)

Aim of the Workshop

The aim of this international workshop is to analyze questions of postcoloniality in European migrant cinemas from a comparative point of view. Located between trans-/national modes of production, distribution and reception, migrants cinemas rely on the colonial heritage of Europe’s past as well as on its consequences in present. Both narration and aesthetics focus on the human flow from Latin America, Africa or Asia to the Old Continent, which at the same time moves into a self-protecting European fortress. This workshop allows to study central issues of migration, mobility, identity, space and non-places as well as their specific use in different film genres, from fiction film, documentary to blockbusters. Opening up new vistas in migrant cinemas, the expected outcome of this workshop will not only highlight issues at the interface between  spatiality, mobility and migration, but also allow a relevant research output at the interface of trans-/national European genre films.



Wednesday, March 18, 2015
15.00  Welcome: Rector of NIAS Prof. Paul M.G. Emmelkamp
 Opening: Sandra Ponzanesi & Verena Berger
           Genres and Tropes
15:30  Sandra Ponzanesi: European Postcolonial Cinemas and the Politics of Truth
16.00  Verena Berger: `Going Home`: Displacement, Identity and Mobility in Nomadic Road Movies
16.30  Discussion
17.00  Coffee Break
17.30  Dan Hassler-Forest: Containing the Euro-Zombie: Globalization, Cultural Appropriation, and the Continental Walking Dead
18.00  Peter Verstraeten: Joie de vivre: The Politics of Dutch ‘Multicultural’ Comedies
18.30  Discussion
19.00  Dinner

Thursday, March 19, 2015
9.15   Opening
9.30   Aniko Imre: European Genres of Migration across Media
10.00  Yosefa Loshitzky: A Bridge Over Troubled Water? Loving Jews and Muslims in Two Recent
Postcolonial Mediterranean Films
10.30  Discussion
11.00  Coffee Break
11.30  Sudeep Dasgupta: The Aesthetics of Postcolonial Presence and the Politics of (In)difference
12.00  Christine Quinan: Trans-ing gender boundaries and national borders: Merzak Allouache's Chouchou and Angelina Maccarone's Fremde Haut/Unveiled
12.30  Discussion
13.00  Lunch
14.30  Domitilla Olivieri: Rhythms of Proximity: Spaces and Sounds of the Ordinary
15.00  Mireille Roselló: Postcolonial Humor: The Laugh of the Migrant 
15.30  Paulo de Medeiros: Invisible Portugals: Migration, Film, Marginalities
16.00  Coffee Break
16.30  Discussion
18.00  Drinks
19.00  Dinner

Friday, March 20, 2015
9.45   Opening
10.00  Ewa Mazierska: Muslim in Post-Communist Eastern European Cinema
10.30  Milica Trakilovic: Passing through: Negotiating Identity, Sexuality and Migration in Ahmed Imamovic's Go West (2005)
11.00  Derek Duncan: Code-Switching: Claudio Giovannesi’s Postcolonial Practices
11.30  Discussion
12.00  Round table/Closing
13.00  Lunch

link: NIAS

With thanks: